The Evolution of Operations Staffing

The rise of the job boards has shifted the recruiting process for critical business hires, most notably for professions relating to Operations. Companies that don’t ignore internal needs in this area are dramatically cutting costs while using capable, qualified Operations professionals available and ready in their local market.Why is Operations staffing a hot topic of conversation? Unlike more traditionally staffed positions, misjudging candidates for such a pivotal role can have lasting, detrimental impacts that leave many clients wondering who they can talk to when they need reassurance or have questions.

The propensity for companies to turn to job boards is rarely a proper fix for such an important aspect of business Operations.

Face Value Versus Lasting FeasibilityIn addition to identifying core requirements for the role, candidate selection and hiring is all too often determined by which job board is chosen. Don't let a holiday discount email determine how you'll find the talent to take you into 2019. But our team here at Premier Talent Partners, a recruiting firm that started out in 1998 staffing startups and VC-backed companies and has since moved into other HR service areas, including Payroll Services, doesn’t expect employers to know more about proper hiring procedures than your competition. With Premier Talent Partners, hiring managers can take advantage of a minimally intrusive, streamlined recruiting process using our existing talent databases to come up with a customized candidate pool and still have access to a live staffing specialist they can call. Redefining Expectations in RecruitingUtilizing online recruiting resources with job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster can have their place in the hiring process, but it should never be considered a comprehensive approach. Sara Menke, Founder and CEO at Premier Talent Partners, wants employers and job seekers to get the best of both worlds, a staffing strategy she has proven to differentiate it, especially in competitive marketplaces. From an employers’ perspective, job boards have shifted billions of dollars in fruitless fees to post jobs that aren’t guaranteed to give you the best candidate, rather a splash of resumes to ensure your investment isn’t wasted. Mere activity won’t drive your business forward, and Premier Talent Partners is helping HR departments recapture lost momentum after this job board whiplash. Improper hiring is the first leg of an employee lifecycle that is riddled with low retention and a loss of morale. Ironically, the impact is doubly so when unqualified candidates enter roles that dictate or define the ongoing nature of a business’ strategy, such as Operations. Of course, you shouldn’t assume that you’ll find a perfect hire in the first 24 hours. This is an idea solely and incorrectly purported by job boards and the tangle of technology advocates that advocate a purely-electronic sourcing strategy. A Shift to Premier Talent PartnersWhile one-day job posting will always undercut the prices of a long-term staffing strategy, you may be torn between short-term gains and long-term candidate viability. Especially for roles in Operations, seek a staffing agency with a very streamlined process that makes it easy to get your job order placed, identify ideal candidates through the selection process, and set up an ongoing staffing relationship to include ancillary roles such as Administrative, Sales, and Customer Support talent. Premier Talent Partners can help you demystify the process of hiring your next Operations candidate, or even staff an entire department.

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