Planning for a Job Search

Experience is everything! Your experiences don’t have to be paid in order to ‘count’. What kind of jobs have you had? Have you done one or more internships? What other experiences have you had in which you developed transferable skills? Those who have experience – paid or not – will be much better positioned for a full-time professional job than those who do not.Remember: You are interviewing 24/7Your behavior and attitude communicate a lot about you. How you treat people in public, and how you treat your co-workers and friends, is a 24/7 advertisement about you. And, you never know whom you meet that will make a huge difference in your life. A positive attitude will get you far!Do some self-assessment so that you understand – and can articulate – what's important to you in regard to your values and the workplace environment. When you know what is important to you then you can answer the commonly asked question “Tell me about yourself?”Stay positive and motivated | A job search is stressful. There will be times when you will feel great about it, but other times when your self-confidence will waiver and your motivation will slip. Don’t panic! That is totally normal. Be sure to integrate fun, rewarding activities into your schedule, and contact our offices so we can help you stay upbeat, focused, and motivated.Be open-minded | Your first job out of college is probably not going to be your dream job. Be open to a variety of opportunities! How you choose to react to your first job will be a greater factor in your long-term satisfaction than the content of the job itself. Be deliberate about learning and developing your skills and your professional contacts.Know your goals | Develop your short-term goals (need money and a place to live) and long-term goals (what you want to do and where you want to live). Be realistic. How can you make your first job meet your short term goals and help you meet your long-term goals by applying what you learn? Hidden job markets | Conduct informational interviews and work with staffing agencies, do internships, volunteer in the community, connect with alumni, and participate in local organizations. When working on the 'inside' you have the opportunity to find out about career areas that you have never thought of before.Not sure where to look?Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and similar sites can be great for gathering information about jobs and career possibilities. Businesses now have their own social network sites and are connected to other major sites - take advantage of this. By the way, others are looking at you for the same reason (some sources suggest that more than 90% of recruiters review candidates’ social media profiles during the recruiting process). Look at your online presence with a critical and professional eye. Reach out to our Recruiting Associates with questions!

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