Other Than Job Boards, Where Do Businesses Find Talent?
Staffing Agencies Lead the List
If you’re not interested in using a job board to find your next hire, where do you go to find talent? Staffing agencies. One of the best ways new hiring managers can find the best talent for their company is to partner with staffing agencies that match the profession and industry.In fact, about forty percent of workers seeking a first job or returning to the workforce — along with more than ninety percent of companies — make use of staffing agencies.Why? Staffing agencies are popular and effective. They’re used by businesses large and small continuously provide a custom channel for finding a new hire. Our team at Premier Talent Partners uses our existing database and connections in local communities, along with vetted network connections on social media, such as LinkedIn, to make every hire a success.By comparison, you can try to handle all of the relatively niche methods of building long-term relationships: conferences, career fairs, and offline ads (such as newspapers) are each used by less than a quarter of businesses, and that’s because they deliver low satisfaction rates. Staffing agencies are, however, consistently chosen as a talent source by most businesses.Agencies Deliver SatisfactionExternal recruiting efforts provide a better experience than online channels, and they deliver results. A survey on LinkedIn survey found that 84% of companies who engaged with external recruiters made a hire. Although the price is higher than a job post, satisfaction rates make the difference in the long run. Although most industries have specialized agencies to hire for their unique needs, other are still catching up.What Are You Hiring For?There’s no getting around it – finding performers is no easy task, especially if you have limited resources, lack a support staff, and have other HR responsibilities. And, if you happen to be a one-person HR department, the stakes are even higher since your career growth in part will depend on your ability to bring in performers.
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