How To Wow Your Candidates With An Awesome Interview

Business professionals working at desks

First impressions matter, but what about the second? In the interview process, a prime candidate deserves more than a standard experience—they deserve to feel valued and respected. As you prepare to meet a top contender for the second time, it's crucial to go above and beyond to showcase your company's commitment and enthusiasm. From greeting them warmly at the door to choosing a thoughtful interview setting, every detail counts. This isn't just about assessing their qualifications; it's about creating a memorable experience that sets the tone for a potential future together. In this blog, we'll explore how to elevate your interview process to ensure that every interaction leaves a lasting, positive impression on your candidates.

First Impressions

Don't leave them waiting, this is a prime candidate. This is someone you want to hire. Show them that you respect their time. In fact, greet them at the door. Make them feel like a VIP. Be excited to meet them in person but be authentic. Fake excitement is easy to spot. Use first names, be positive, courteous, and confident. Above all else be honest. Focus on presentation. Make sure you're dressed well, not just appropriately. 

Choose an atypical location. Rather than the conference room that they had their first interview in, move them to the executive office and involve the executive in this interview. Silence your phones and close your laptops! Give them all of your attention, not just half or three-quarters, all of it. A clear sign that you aren't fully invested in the candidate is constantly looking at your laptop screen or phone.

Like in real life, make human interaction the priority over technology. Candidates know exactly where they stand when an interviewer answers their phone while conducting an interview. Leaving them to think "Is this really someone I want to work for?"

Setting Expectations & Getting Clarity

Set expectations for the interview and a timeline so they know how long it will likely take. Offer a beverage or snack and make sure you have something nice on hand if they accept. Be prepared for the interview with concise questions that target your strengths and abilities. Show interest in them and their abilities. Don't let them slide too much though. Make sure you don't ask questions that have already been asked and stay focused on the position you want to hire them for. Allow them to get comfortable while speaking with you. Make sure to clearly address any questions they bring up. Great candidates want to know they are heard and their opinions matter.

Asking The Right Questions At The Right Time

Do not ask brain teaser questions. These were once popular among tech giants like Google but they found that these questions didn't predict anything regarding the success of the candidate. Skip the oddball questions and be professional. Remember we're setting expectations.

Avoid Generic Questions

Avoid asking generic questions like "Do you prefer to work in groups or alone." Instead, ask about specific instances in which the candidate experienced challenges or produced something they're truly proud of while working in a group or alone. Ask the right questions for the right reasons. Going down a list of interview questions and simply checking them off will only annoy the candidate.

Check Your Tone

Make your candor and tone even more friendly and calm than the last interaction they had with your company. Top candidates will not be impressed by how many questions you ask them. Instead, get them to open up and talk freely about past work situations where they had to make a difficult decision. Now you have their attention and respect because you engaged in a more equal conversation.

Answer Questions Clearly

Expect top candidates to do their homework before arriving at an interview. In some cases, they might even know exactly why the position they are interviewing for is vacant. Be prepared to answer their questions clearly and concisely. Most top candidates are generally looking for new challenges and something that will keep them wanting to come to work every day beyond pay. Be honest when describing the job and the state of your organization. By doing so, you’ll open up a dialogue that will impress top candidates helping them feel a part of the team already.

Give A Tour

Following the formal part of the interview offer them a tour of the office/facilities. Make sure the tour route is clean and organized beforehand. If time allows introduce them to current employees while touring the office/facilities. Great candidates will care about the work environment and who they will be working with. Make sure to show them the best amenities your office/facilities have to offer.

From Shake To Shake

Walk your candidate to the front door. Treat them as if they just came to your home to visit. Offer them free company swag if available & applicable. Avoid throwing stuff at them as they exit. This can come across as very tacky. If it's done well and feels organic, offering a hat, or t-shirt could be the icing on the cake. Do whatever it takes to make them feel like you were 100% focused on them from the first handshake to the last. This is your final impression so make it count. Showing them this level of attention to detail will help them make their final decision when choosing to accept your offer. If you’d like to expedite the process by testing out qualified candidates on a temporary contract basis, give us a shout. We’d love to have the opportunity to work with you.

For further reading on how to give a great interview, check out these blogs:

Partner With Premier

The interview process is more than just a formality; it's an opportunity to showcase your company's culture, values, and commitment to excellence. By treating candidates with respect and attention, from the first handshake to the last, you not only evaluate their fit for the role but also leave a lasting impression that can influence their decision to join your team. At Premier Talent Partners, we specialize in connecting you with top talent that matches your organizational needs and culture. Whether you're looking to fill a permanent position or considering a temporary contract to find the perfect fit, our team is here to help you find your next great hire. Investing in a thoughtful and thorough interview process, with our expertise and support, ensures you attract and secure the best candidates for your team. Learn more today!

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