Get Closer To Your Ideal Candidate

It’s easy to become obsessed with the competition. But are you equally obsessed with looking after your candidates? Today, as talent becomes commoditized, the interview and selection process is increasingly the deciding factor in whether a candidate accepts and stays with a brand.

Find Qualified Candidates

Delivering that custom recruitment experience is the most important feature of our services. They’re designed to help you initiate, develop, and maintain long-term relationships with your candidates. At the heart of it is Premier Talent Partners Payroll Services, offering secure and transparent handling of payrolling data to create the accurate, complete files needed to provide cost-effective salary, wage, and benefits administration. Many of our Bay Area clients use Premier Talent Partners Payroll Services as their basis for hiring managers new to the role, with a human to talk with when you have questions.

Leverage Our Team

It’s this type of synergy that gives you the advantage. Our staffing specialists know the history of a particular person's reliability and can use that knowledge to inform the role you’ve requested. Your HR department can use candidate experience to offer personalized offers – with a lightning-quick turnaround. This seamless, comprehensive experience leaves candidates happy and satisfied and forms the basis of a healthy working relationship.

Make Every Moment Count

A candidate recruitment service that will help you scale call center operations, increase the efficiency of field service reps and improve candidate and eventual employee satisfaction. Where can you fill in the gaps?

Build Relationships Based On Trust

We give you everything you need to manage candidate information, data protection, and privacy, bundled into one powerful and effective service.

Market Openings With A Trusted Source

The means to find the match for your complete candidate profile that allows you to deliver personalized, relevant experiences, in real time, and better understand your candidates’ desires.

Create Lasting Hiring Experiences

A single staffing and payroll organization to help you run a differentiated and personalized talent acquisition experience. Partner with Premier today and stop spending time on redundant hiring activities.

Ready to hire top talent? Let’s get started!

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Where in striving to do better we transform lives in shared partnership with our exceptional employer and talent communities.

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