Encouraging Productivity without Micromanaging

As a team leader, whether the owner, manager or project lead, it can be tricky to encourage productivity. You don’t want to come off overbearing, but you also want to make sure folks are getting the work done in a timely manner. Having a bird’s eye view of the office is more productive than standing over someone’s shoulder. Follow these tips to encourage productivity from your staff without degrading the trust you’ve built with them.

1. Get feedback from your team

Your staff knows what they need to be productive, ask them!

2. Make sure your staff has the right tools

Don’t skimp on up to date technology. Find the right project management system for optimized workflow productivity. Invest in training. Consider the quality of desks or chairs and whether they need to be updated. Does your staff prefer pour over coffee? Small steps can make big differences.

3. Encourage breathers, these are different from breaks

Allow your staff to walk the office, catch a breath, check their text messages. Host a development day with a mindfulness coach to teach your team techniques in breathing, clearing the mind and stretching while at the desk.

4. Host a 15-minute stand and chat

This isn’t for you to tell people to work harder or share new tasks. This is time for your employees to have the floor and catch a break. “Tell us something you overcame yesterday. What are you working on today? Is there anything blocking your flow that you need support in?” One minute each. Short and simple. If big things come up, schedule a one on one.

5. Cancel unnecessary meetings

If your meeting doesn’t have a specific agenda list then you should consider scrapping it. Meetings can be buzzkills when your team is in a groove. If you need to check in consider using instant chats to ask quick questions without leaving the desk. We live in a texting era, take advantage of it.

6. Know your staffs' workstyle

Logical, analytical, linear, and data-oriented. When you know your staff's styles of work you can delegate projects that are best suited to match their talents. Have your staff take a work style test. Learn more about these styles in your interview questions.

7. Set the tone. Be vulnerable

Allow your team to be open and transparent about what is setting them back. We all have our good and bad days, make sure your team knows they can be a bit off without being reprimanded. In turn, relay your own experiences to let others feel more comfortable expressing their opinions.

8. Don't stress perfection!

The stress of performing the best 100% of the time can actually set us back.Encourage clearer brainstorm sessions, leave time for first drafts (and call them that), encourage teammates to review one another's work. Make sure your attitude is positive while giving feedback and critique.

9. Allow for remote work

Flexible schedules. Less time in traffic. Independent workspace. The list of benefits for both employees and employers is endless. There is also an inherent trust between staff and management when permitting out of office work time. Work relationships built on trust are known to support higher work speed and lower costs in your business.

10. Check yourself before you wreck yourself

No one can stop you micromanaging but you. Ask yourself why you need to be so hands-on. Also, what negative effects are happening. Is it keeping you from your own work? Are you losing employees? Do some self-work to make sure you are your best self.

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