Does Working For A Staffing Company Make You More Employable?

If you are in the middle of a job search or you feel like it’s time to start looking for more opportunities beyond your current job — a staffing company can offer you a significant step up when it comes to your hireability. How big of a step? According to the Staffing Industry Analysts, 9 out 10 people who utilized staffing companies for temporary or contract work said that they felt more employable during their job search. Recruiters’ entire jobs revolve around finding the right people for specific positions, so why wouldn’t you partner with a job-seeking expert?But staffing companies aren’t like a videogame power-up, you don’t just become more employable by proxy. In this post we’ll discuss how working with a staffing company that knows your specific niche can increase the number of job opportunities and make you a more hireable person all-around.

Find a Staffing Company that Fits

All staffing companies are not the same. For instance, if you work primarily in Biotech and your recruiter doesn’t understand the intricacies between different job titles, you may end up with a lot of job leads that you aren’t qualified for. You need to find a staffing company that knows the in’s and out’s of your specific industry. That way you’ll receive more contract job leads in companies that you’d actually want to work at.

How do contract and temporary positions make me more hireable?

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out after college, or you are looking to take a break before your next career move — more work experience in more places makes you more employable, period. Working 3 months at a job that you otherwise wouldn’t have means you’ve leveled up your experience in positions that other job-seekers may have overlooked. Learning new skills and understanding different workplace dynamics gives you a deeper sense of the inner workings of your industry and introduces you to a valuable commodity in your career search: connections.

Creating personal and professional connections

Real-world experience is no doubt a valuable part of working with a staffing company. However, the connections you make with your recruiter and your employers can give you an edge in highly competitive markets like San Francisco and New York. Companies in these markets have a long list of people waiting to get into them, and scoring a temporary gig inside one could put you at the top of the list when a position opens. 35% of temporary workers were offered a permanent job by the company after their contract was over. And if it isn’t the place you wanted to land, you’ve bolstered your LinkedIn page with connections that you can work later.

Make bank while growing professionally

The most valuable things you can take away from a job are new skills, new connections, and of course, a good paycheck. Temporary contracts allow you to test out different workplaces while still making money during the job search. Staying on top of your industry is essential in fast-paced tech fields like programming and IT. Using a staffing company to find you lucrative contracts means fewer gaps in your resume and more money in your bank account, especially with the opportunity to work in positions that were previously outside your comfort zone. For instance, have you worked as a Project Manager but always wanted to try on more of a Product Manager role? Talk with your recruiter to let them know your goals so they can help you land the right job for your transition. A few Product Manager contracts down, and pretty soon you’ve added a job title and another set of skills to your ever-growing resume.Working with a staffing company makes you a more employable person. Staffing companies rely on clients that need positions filled ASAP, so the turnaround from interview to offer is drastically shorter. The skills, training, and experience netted from working these types of contract jobs will make you a more employable person to every company you work with afterward. It’s like the domino-effect of employability. Contact Premier Talent Partners and we’ll help you get setup with your first contract position.

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